1. All auxiliary leaders must be faithful in church attendance on Sundays and/or
Wednesdays. If you are in a position where you are not serving every service, you cannot only attend on the day you serve. Mention this to your team also. Any auxiliary leader, who is not asked to serve every service, and who only attends church service on the days you serve may be removed from their position. Two warnings max: Titus 3:10 “A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;” 11 “Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.”

2. All auxiliary meetings, including rehearsals must be conducted in professionalism, the spirit of cooperation, the spirit of excellence, open and close with prayer, and with little to no disputes.

3. There should be regular scheduled auxiliary meetings, and they should be effective, efficient, and conducted in the shortest time possible.

4. All auxiliary leaders must be humble and treat all others on their auxiliary team as fellow servants of Christ. Be holy toward others according to the holy scriptures. Obtain a backup person every time when needed for meeting/services/events. Prefer as early as possible, but please give them no later than 48 hours’ notice of being your backup. No favoritism to any on the team. As an auxiliary leader you must be approachable and give
clear direction as a leader to others. Handle all minor issues yourself, bring major issues to the church leadership (Pastor, First Lady, Executive Minister).

5. All auxiliary leaders pay attention to church announcements and/or visit the church website for calendar events. No auxiliary meetings or events in conflict with Sunday or Wednesday services, or churchwide special events unless approved by Pastor Steven Jones.

6. All auxiliary leaders must speak and show actions of respect to the leadership of the church.

7. All new auxiliaries must be approved by Pastor Dr. Steven Jones

8. PROPERTIES OWNED OR OCCUPIED BY Testimony Christian Center Church (TC3): No auxiliary leader/ member /visitor is permitted to host any meeting or event which promotes or celebrates or include an activity which is against the standard of peace with God and holiness including but not limited to: Homosexuality, Transgender or their affiliates, Halloween (i.e., witches, ghouls, demons, dark world, psychic, magic, etc), Political/voting rallies, fraternal/sorority/masons/eastern star or their affiliate meetings
or recruitment, no meetings or events that include smoking or alcoholic beverages. A note on homosexual persons: Any homosexual or an affiliate classification including but not limited to the classifications established by LGBTQ+ community are welcome to come to the church for services, however, no encouragement of that lifestyle is allowed including cross dressing (e.g., drag queen), or gender change surgeries. Removal from the congregation would
occur. We believe at TC3 (Testimony Christian Center Church), God is merciful and forgives when one repents, and make actions to turn away from that lifestyle, God will honor that and receive them according to the holy scriptures. Anyone who does not repent of homosexuality will not be allowed to hold any position in the church, or work on any church auxiliary, including but not limited to the praise team and other music ministries at TC3. Any leader/member/visitor found in violation of such will be requested to immediately vacate the church owned or occupied property.

9. Any communication which is placed on the letterhead of Testimony Christian Center Church must be approved by the Pastor or a designee.

10. Any communication, banner, advertisement, or website/social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, etc.) which uses the logo/letterhead of Testimony Christian Center Church (TC3) must be approved by the Apostle/Pastor or a designee. There is only one official website of Testimony Christian Center Church. No member, entity, associate, or individual is permitted to use the logo/letterhead for personal use 
11. Those delegated to from the Pastor to maintain the official website and social media accounts for the Church are expected to steward and maintain the website and social media to ensure no content or images are uploaded or shared which violates the Holy Scriptures or will embarrass or misrepresent Testimony Christian Center Church.

12. Required attendance for all auxiliary leaders or their designee at Pastor’s Anniversary every year in February, and the All Auxiliary leadership meetings, twice a year.