Bonnie Garrett accepted Christ as her personal Savior at a young age and was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. She attended Church of Our Father Baptist the majority of her life until she moved to Oakland County.
She joined Light of the World Christian Center and remained a member there until its closing due to the retiring of Senior Pastor Bruce Burwell and his wife, Co-Pastor Dr. Monoseta Burwell. She then became an active member of Testimony Christian Center Church under the leadership of Apostle.Dr. Steven Jones who is also the Pastor/Founder of TC3. Bonnie is the Secretary, Web Developer, Co-Chair of the Outreach/Inreach, Administrative and Outreach/Inreach Food Pantry Assistance Ministries.
Bonnie has been an employee of Motown Records, Michigan Bell (n/k/a AT&T) and the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority which she retired from after 34 years of service. While working at HCMA she was able to establish contacts with organizations that could help the less fortunate. She has participated in programs with Forgotten Harvest, Grace Center of Hope, Head Start Program for the City of Detroit, Vista Maria and many more local agencies and churches in the area.
Due to the Pandemic she was not able to help others as much as she would’ve liked. Helping others is her passion and her motto is “if not me, then who”.
God has blessed Bonnie with a wonderful loving daughter and grandson.
Monday through Friday 9am - 3pm